Showing posts with label world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The world’s mysterious places

Developments in archaeology have led to fascinating discoveries. Scientists have discovered objects or
places that tell us a lot about how some of the world’s oldest cultures lived. There are places, though, that
have been the subject of much discussion among scientists. Three of the most mysterious places are Easter
Island, Stonehenge and the Nazca Desert.
Located in the South of the Pacific Ocean, Easter Island is one of the most isolated places on earth and is
famous for about 600 large stone statues that are lined along the coast. These structures, which were carved
by ancient people and which look like human heads, are from three and a half to twelve metres high. On the
opposite side of the world stands Stonehenge. This ancient English site is a collection of large stones
arranged in two circles, one inside the other. Archaeologists believe that the inner circle of stones, each
weighing about four tons, was built first. The giant stones which form the outer circle, known as sarsen
stones, each weighs as much as 50 tons!
In South America, one more mysterious phenomenon exists. Near the coast of Peru, in the valley of the
Nazca Desert, some strange shapes carved into the ground make an impressive view. When seen from the
ground, these shapes seem insignificant. But when seen from high above, these strange shapes or drawings
look like giant birds, fish, seashells and different geometric figures. These drawings are thought to be at least
1500 years old, and have still remained preserved for centuries by the dry, stable climate of the desert.
Many theories exist about the ancient peoples of Easter Island and the Nazca Desert and their purposes in
creating these mysterious phenomena. Archaeological research suggests that Easter Island was first inhabited
by Polynesians around 400 AD. Scientists believe that these early inhabitants carved the island’s statues as
religious symbols from a volcanic rock and then pulled them to different locations. Scientists suggest as well
that the lines of Nazca are also related to the religious beliefs of an ancient civilization. These people
believed that the mountain gods protected them by controlling the weather and supplying them with water.
Many of the figures formed by the lines on the ground are associated with nature or water in some way. As
these ancient people lived in a desert region, water was a valuable, but rare, resource and by means of the
drawings they hoped to make the place rich with water. Exactly how the lines were drawn without
controlling the drawing process from the air remains a mystery.
We may never know the exact reasons for the creation of these mysterious places. Whatever their original
purposes, all three sites are amazing examples of human creativity.